Art & Sensuality; Hearts Live In Shadows

Art is inspired by sensuality, and there's a difference between sensuality and sex. Sex is the physical, active goal of sensuality, and sensuality is expression and pleasure; the driving force behind these actions. (I write about this in depth in my paper "The Sexy Cosmos") Everything I have written or painted or crafted with my hands has been born from the sensuality that so strongly resides within me. This is where most genuine artistic expression comes from, even when it presents itself as something chaotic and painful. Emotion is passion. There is no shame in this, as it's a major force of Creation itself and lives in everything. It's an extraordinary thing to exercise compassion and give the sensuality of heart over to music, stories, or anything else crafted in the form of a packaged art piece. It takes even more of a backbone to allow this kind of exchange in a relationship with other people. It's difficult to relax and show Heart, especially when a thousand people are hungry for hearts all at the same time, and there's only fragments of one.. Announcement: Patrons are able to view the first 3-4 pages of the book.. first draft over at Here's the link


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