
It might be slow and require a ton of patience, but there's a silent movement by smaller communities to form new co-op businesses and stop relying on traditional ways to get a job. A lot of them have popped up here in New York, and it's benefiting the lower income communities like crazy. Some of these groups have training sessions that focus on the mistakes a lot of corporate companies are making so those getting involved don't have to fall prey to the same circle of death. This has been raising wages for people here, because they aren't dependent upon standard minimums. They're an integral part of their cooperative companies, and they get to decide their pay rates.

There are several people in countryside areas (which will include me very soon) who are starting their own sustainable home fronts. We have decided not to entrust our lives to a failing system. This is happening in its own little ways across the country. It is not necessary to take part in a scheme designed to kill off the part of the low economic population and enslave the rest. It's possible to step over that line and get out. While it isn't easy, it's doable. What else are we going to do with our lives? Wake up every morning to grovel? Take our medication like good little miserable children and go punch our brain warping time cards? I can't wait to share my new experiences coming up in NC with everyone I possibly can. I want to prove there's still a way to live well, and it's even available to those who can't afford to purchase ten dollar smoothies at the organic cafe.

The world is too big, and people are too bright to be snuffed out. Skip the medicine this morning and opt for a re-arrangement of daily speculations. God, this coffee is excellent.


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