We Have Political Termites

For anyone who hasn't paid attention, our country is too big to keep its citizens efficiently linked to our government. In an effort to explain as simply as possible (which isn't remotely adequate), there was once born the crafty plan to use "linkage institutions" in order to keep us together. In the beginning, it worked. But everything that gains too much power eventually gets corrupted. Of course it would; corporate interests would naturally latch onto the slowly building power of anything people become dependent upon. Today, our main linkage institutions- Media, Lobby Groups and Political Parties- are sopping wet with that corruption. The average citizen here is in trouble, and that will effect the wealthy at some point. When a canary dies in the mine, it's a sign to pay attention. If you don't build a sound structure from the ground up, your foundation is going to crumble. The entire house is going to fall down.

A lack of balance was always the downfall of any action, thing or person. And it sometimes seems as though large groups of people can't find a way to balance. Hell, even some individuals can't. Groups work like single organisms. They all play an integral part in its functioning. A group without everyone on board will pull itself apart as everyone tries to run in a different direction. But we insist on governing incredibly large territories at once. This is not economically stable at all. For anyone. If we can't function as one country, how is this global authority thing going to work? Like this: It's not.

Art reflects environment. Keep an eye open as artistic "expression" adopts the soulless, mindless society we're creating. One that has lost its base. One that crawls out of these broken pieces to desperately feed off the filthy leftovers running down the walls. Just watch.


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