The Flowers Still Exist. They're Just Hiding

Sometimes I wonder if we ever really had any respect for each other at some historic point in time. A lot of us, myself shamefully included, have complained about how the current era has gone over the cliff as far as disrespecting people and becoming a self-absorbed society. But I’ve probably been wrong and shallow minded to ever think that. Maybe it’s not this era. Maybe it just seems like it, because it’s happening faster with conveniences like social media and Google. The internet has made destroying people much easier. Maybe if I stepped into a time machine and went back to 1930, I’d see some really rude oppression going down behind closed doors.

And then there’s the other side. The side of society that is teeming with love and understanding. It usually stays quieter. “Squeaky wheels get the grease” and all that- we’re only hearing about the jerks, aren’t we? No one likes stories about how compassionate Sam or Sally is; it’s boring. And Sam is a fruit, anyway. He wears his mom's sweaters. So all our focus is on negativity. The truth is that there’s a lot of grace and tenderness out there. Most of us just aren’t paying attention, because there’s too many boneheads dancing around with their lasers.

Perception is everything. I don’t like to ignore the people and doings around me, though; that’s just being oblivious in the other direction. I like to acknowledge the mouthy fools are there and allow myself to be slightly amused by their clowning. I even like to snap back once in awhile. It’s like going to a show. And after it’s over and I feel myself getting bored, I give my real energy away to those who are admirable. It feels a lot healthier. Just imagine if people were food. There are gross, fast food burgers and there are fresh, green smoothies. That cheeseburger guy’s just gonna make you fat and fatigued. And one of these days, he’s gonna give you a heart attack.

There are no real rules or concrete ways here. It’s a big world, and it’s really full. This is all a colossal playground, and we’re all deciding how to play our own games. You have as much of a right to go play on that field as anyone else does, simply because you’re here. But be skilled and intuitive enough to look past the broken train rail and see the small flowers once in awhile. They’re usually hiding in the grass somewhere.


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