Is Your Subconscious Out Of Control?

I was up last night talking to a friend long distance. She'd been experiencing a torrent of distressing events, leading her to feel her life was stuck in an unsteady, vulnerable state. This of course will trigger an action of defense in our need to feel some stability. Usually, we won't react in the best way. As the conversation became more intense, I realized what was going on. Her subconscious was taking over. And that's hard to explain in a chat message (and when I'm exhausted), so I thought I'd write about it here.

I know it sounds crazy, but I truly believe our subconscious state of mind can sometimes become so strong in its need to be heard that it can become its own entity, resembling having a split, or multiple personality. Getting so caught up in our focus on what society (and family) "demands" we should be doing can cause our feelings & personal needs to be repressed into that subconscious space, eventually forming a pool of anxiety. Most of us don't want to upset our circle of people too much, so we'll tend to keep a lot to ourselves. Sometimes we feel guilt over what we strongly want or need, and we push that down, too. Instead of trusting anyone with this information, it's easier to just hunker down and "walk it off". Because what's the alternative? Yeah.. that dreaded "deep talk" no one really has time for, and most of us are ashamed of admitting to those close to us.

This will manifest itself into what feels like a silent enemy over time. Repressing needs makes those needs stronger. Getting them out into the open and off our shoulders takes away their power. Once you admit something, it's no longer sitting inside you and growing. It's lost its spark. But we've become afraid to admit. We're afraid of responses, guilt, and we've lost the ability to trust those close to us enough to be honest about our feelings and what we need. People change over time. Our needs change, too. Keeping all that change and personal evolution to ourselves is damaging- and it creates that subconscious enemy I mentioned...

I know for a fact that whatever we're keeping quiet isn't really so quiet. Repressing needs doesn't keep them out of your head, and it doesn't keep everyone around you from sensing something's "off". They just get pushed further away from your conscious, working mind and you lose control of them. When you lose control of them, you'll actually start to do things and say things (without realizing it) that will eventually begin to change your surroundings. You'll change your own world until things happen- things that force those repressed needs to be met. It will seem like suddenly everything is going wrong in your life, and you have no control over it. But you actually do- you're actually causing this chaos. And you're causing this chaos, because something needs to be addressed in your life. And that something is whatever you've been hiding.

Our minds are incredibly capable of things we can't believe. To be unaware of this is not going to take away that ability. It just puts it in an uncontrollable spot and we lose our power over it. This is why there is so much depression, fear and anxiety in the world. Our minds are evolving faster than our physical form, and it's hard to keep an eye on what we're actually capable of. It's also tiring. A tendency to be lazy will result in literally losing your mind. The reason some people never go insane, regardless of their "bad luck" (I don't believe in that for obvious reasons) is because they may not be predisposed to being lazy. (Which has nothing to do with hard core depression; that's an entirely different and debilitating situation.)

Repressing what you need to a point where it becomes a problem is the same thing as letting your personality split off and take over you. Think of it as another person, because it kind of is. We're full of personality. When someone says, "be yourself, and you'll be fine", that's a flawed idea. Which self are you supposed to be? When I'm alone, I'm one self. When I'm in a social situation, I'm another. When I'm talking one on one about something pretty deep, it's another "me". There are many sides to us, and we don't go around displaying one single character trait. We're a hundred people packed into one. We change as our lives change. We can't be that easily figured out. So don't be surprised when that other side of you- that one who's absolutely exhausted with you ignoring what it needs- rises up and takes over. Because that's what we do. When we feel repressed enough, we either fight or we fly. Flying away usually presents itself in the form of depression and some sort of substance or adrenaline abuse. And the repressed fighter just causes chaos in the shadows until you realize too many "bad" things are happening. "Bad", meaning these actions are causing a disruption in the conscious world you didn't originally want to upset. But they're happening for a reason, and that reason is you.

When this subconscious takeover happens, it will usually play out like a child acting out. There will be no logic behind the actions, and subconscious choices will be made based entirely on emotion. This is no good. So the best thing to do is to start recognizing your own needs, as unacceptable as they might be to everyone around you, and deal with them. That includes learning how to relax and allow yourself to be a little freer in life. It's not easy to let go and allow yourself to relax in a repressed state of need, but it's doable. The trick is to not let it get that out of control in the first place. You have to develop the tendency to show who you truly are to the world, regardless of its possible persecution.

I could go on about this, because it's a pretty deep subject with about a million angles. But that would be another book, wouldn't it?


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