How To Be A Nude Model Without Compromising Yourself

This isn't going to be a blog about how to make money nude modeling, or even how to turn any sort of modeling into a career. This is meant to cover a deeper topic; the art of staying safe when you're bound and determined to resist the norm and do something crazy. There are a lot of very young women online posting nude and suggestive selfies (and video clips), attempting to get involved in the nude modeling world. Many are doing it for reasons revolving around boredom with society, lack of the kind of attention human beings need on a regular basis (and we do), or a need to challenge this new social justice warrior thing that's spiraled out of whack & turned us into a bunch of weeping, miserable people. It's also meant for those who are considering it for monetary reasons while not really wanting to do it, and it's meant for those who are confused and want someone to talk to about it. I'm also writing it for women who find themselves stuck in the shady world of underground porn, although I'm not really touching the subject here in this blog post. (DM me for that conversation.) Basically, I'm writing this because there are many out there who feel very alone in their quests, whatever those quests may be. And we all have them, especially when we're young and cast out into the world to fend for ourselves. So read with that in mind, and know there's someone here to talk to about it if need be. This is a serious topic.

Yes, I used to be a nude model. You can read a little bit about it in my book, Daughter Of Sonic Anarchy. (It's an emotionally heavy story; be warned.) I've even done a few shoots as recent as a couple of years ago.
As a seasoned visual entertainer myself and understanding person, I'd never try to condescendingly lecture. What I would like to do, however, is explain a few things for those determined to do it regardless of criticism or apparent dangers. One thing I know from experience is that if a girl is hell bent on trying something, no amount of preaching is going to deter her. I'd rather be available to talk openly to those who want to know about it (along with other questionable dealings- I've seen a lot) instead of putting out the vibe that anyone needing advice/attention on this is going to get lectured by me.
We drive each other into dangerous situations a lot faster by showing disapproval instead of understanding. And trust me, I genuinely understand. So I'm going to write this blog with the idea that these girls are going to do it despite what anyone says. I hope they'll do it with a little more caution.

Reasons NOT to pose nude:

1. For the promise of financial stability. I'll tell you why it's not a good idea to model nude in any situation if you're in financial distress. It causes a tendency to compromise yourself in order to get your hands on that money. There are two types of nude model photographers/companies. One is the genuine, decent guy who'd never take advantage of a girl in dire straits, anyone under the age of 18, or require she not be accompanied by another person for the shoot. He'll be professional, sensitive and respectful. The other type is the person with an agenda. And that agenda is not going to benefit you in any way at all. The only thing you'll get out of it is money, and there's a high chance that you'll be emotionally destroyed in the process.
Feeling desperate for money makes us do things that hurt. If everyone in this world was financially comfortable enough to get their most necessary needs met, I guarantee there would be less pain, hatred, jealousy and ill intentions. I have done some shady things when I've been desperate for money, and I've suffered the consequences. Writing that sentence doesn't do its real meaning half the justice. Please, for the love of god, do not pose nude simply because you need money. Wait until you are making money in some other way, then pose nude out of curiosity and with a stronger head on your shoulders. This is a big girl's game. Imagine playing poker with extremely high stakes and powerful people. Being in need of money will cause you to reek of fear and uncertainty. People can absolutely smell fear on each other. Its called pheromones.

2. I'd advise against it if you want a future in anything related to education, political science, health care, law & business, or anything of that nature. If you're more interested in apprenticeship with a tattoo artist or working the camera on a film set, then no problem. Be aware that the staffing board for health care jobs will look everywhere online for any sign of you doing anything that they feel taints their reputation. Just think about it before jumping in.

I know that so far, most people are reading this and wondering, Christine, why in heaven's name are you telling these young girls it's okay to get naked on the internet? And my answer would be this. I'm not telling girls it's okay to get naked on the internet. But you've got to understand these girls are going to go out there and explore and experience things you have no idea they're doing. You can't keep your children from embarking on a dangerous adventure if they're determined to do it. They're better than ever at hiding this stuff from you, too. Would you rather dust over the subject, believe they're gonna heed all your warnings, and wait to find them sitting in rehab somewhere, lost and confused? Then let me at least tell them how to go about it in the right way. In my mind, trying to force behavior away from nude modeling is similar to putting a stop to sex ed & the dispensing of condoms out of fear it will make them have sex. Temptation is everywhere. Danger is everywhere. This isn't the prettiest world. The best course of protection is as much information as is possible. Not withholding or punishing. Especially coming from inside the industry. So I'm moving on..

3. Not the best idea to do it if you're not single, or if you have small children. (I've met 12 year olds with kids.) They might not understand what's really in your head. It's going to be hard for them to "get" the full reason behind why you're doing it. And they can really hide their disapproval if they don't want to upset you. You'll never know they have a problem. People are complicated. They might passive aggressively agree with you but not mean it. They might change their mind about being okay with it down the road when they encounter other people's responses to your photos. In rare case scenarios, you might even find out your partner is abusive. There's jealousy, suffocation in the relationship to consider, kids taunting kids at school, breakups based on insecurity (and that's a biggie), and more. When you do anything that's remotely related to entertainment, whether it's acceptable by society or not, you run the risk of putting a lot of strain on your relationship. It doesn't matter how open minded, understanding or supportive your partner may be. At some point, we all have a limit to what we can take. Just be ready for that.

If none of these things apply to you and you're just damned ready to do it anyway, then let's talk logistics. You're there for someone else's vision. This is an acting job. Any real professional will explain in detail what he needs from you, and you'll work out a CONTRACT stating what you both agree to do for each other. Do not set yourself up to suffer in this situation, and set your boundaries. If you're dealing with someone decent, he'll understand and work with you until you both come to a comfortable, unanimous decision on any issues. If you're talking with someone who's not willing to properly categorize and plan on paper, and simply wants to put you in his car and drive to the nearest vacant field, get the hell out of there.
Make sure you're allowed to bring someone along, even if you don't plan on bringing them along. You want to know you can. If you can't, then there's probably a hidden agenda there. Get out & find someone else. There's no shortage of nude photographers out there.
Be prepared to work. Like stated before, this is someone else's vision. If they're designing punk themed, risque posters or advertisements for a band, you have to become a rebellious, strong willed and punky girl who's love for music defies the laws of nature. If the goal is to invoke some kind of elitist nude art vibe and you're gonna end up on the walls of a show in New York, then get stuffy and become that artsy, stoic model. Learn to act. Look at the camera like it's a person, not a machine. Interact with it and have a silent dialogue. The photographer isn't there anymore. The camera is the one who's alive.
Get prepared to contort your body into painful positions, get a few bruises and scrapes, and be entirely uncomfortable for long periods of time. If you do it right, your back is going to kill you after the day is done. Know you'll get scrapes and cuts outdoors. They're going to get Photoshopped out. Things will happen in the editing room that will make you unhappy. You can't do anything about that. Be aware that not every picture of you will be to your liking, but someone will put it on the internet or in their portfolio. Part of acting and being a visual entertainer is losing a part of your ego and fulfilling their vision; not yours. You've got to learn to be a good sport.
Do not do anything that isn't agreed upon under a contract. No word of mouth promises or "shaking on it". No extras. Learn that jargon. "Extras". This will send you straight into a world of either pornography work or escorting services, and you don't want to find yourself stuck there. (DM me if you're in trouble.)

The last thing I want to talk about is very important. You must figure out a way to be comfortable in your own skin, be brave about your own personal belief system, and put yourself out there before other people do it for you. You've heard it said that pointing out your own flaws, or joking about yourself publicly will instantly dispel any power from anyone else to ruin your reputation first. This is a tactic that relies heavily on time frames. You have to know exactly when to act, and exactly what to do. Do not show weakness at this stage. You've already decided to do this, it's done, and now you have to own it. So own it. You did it right. You didn't do it for money, you didn't embarrass a boyfriend, and you don't work on the campaign trail. You can do anything you want, you don't have to answer to a significant other, and there's nothing wrong with tasteful nudes.

We can't force people to not do things we think is bad for them by berating them. It's condescending and arrogant. Anyone who starts a conversation with, "I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to do, but.." is patronizing. That method of communication does the exact opposite of what's intended, and pushes those adamant on experiencing something like this for themselves right into the middle of it without a plan. They might have done it intelligently, but you just shoved them over the edge. Remember also that we're living in a society now that's developed to be quite boring and devoid of feeling. People are apathetic. Nobody shocks easily, but at the same time, nobody can look at a nude photograph without getting seriously uncomfortable or worried. A lot of folks are pretty tired of people getting "triggered" by everything, and having to watch out for the social justice police every time they open their mouths. So there will be some dissidents, like myself, who will go through a phase of posing nude. And it's not really a big deal if it's done right and doesn't send the model to rehab. It really doesn't have to end badly. We're all fumbling through life here; let's talk about it.

If anyone wants to, I'm here. Hit me up in a DM, and make sure to start your first line with "want to talk". I can't respond to every message, so I'll look for those specifically. And please don't take advantage. Serious inquiries only, and only in regards to this subject.
Note: Pornography is a different story- this post has nothing to do with pornography. But if that's part of any reason anyone would like to talk to me, please talk to me. I am not naive to the way that area of entertainment works, I'm not remotely judgmental, and I have a safe line. 

I used to work in mental health care, and I have about 7 years of experience with it. I've worked primarily with adolescents and teens, and some with young adults. I've worked in rehab as a counselor and nurse assistant, and I also spent several years working in underground visual entertainment. Don't do it alone. Reach out. I'm very discreet.


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