Quantum Physics, Psychic Ability, Geology & Other Strange Stuff

This one is a little difficult to write, so I gave myself permission to have a mojito (or two) and relax a bit while doing it.

Quantum physics is so hard to understand because those who study it find their theories are constantly changing, and at an extraordinary pace. As humans, we have a need to pick apart the smallest fragments of a concept. In our pursuit of information about the universe and where we stand in it, the most common action is to do everything possible to attach a concrete, physical explanation to every single idea. This seems to fall apart when we study quantum physics and entanglement, because with its brand of science comes such a tidal wave of possibilities that our minds can't quite wrap themselves around it all. We're limited.

I'll give you one simple example (if you can call it simple) from a book called ABCs of Quantum Physics, by V.J. Rydnik, word for word.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror. What you see is not an exact copy. If your nose bends slightly to the right, the mirror will show it inclined to the left. In a mirror, right and left change places.
When you have your picture taken, the front side of the film shows your mirror image. But this is not all. The film is developed, and the negative is made into a picture, which is actually another reflection of you in the mirror. Sometimes, when the picture is made, the negative is turned upside down so that we then get three mirror reflections. But sometimes the negative remains in the same position as when the picture was snapped, and then there are only two such reflections. A person always looks like he appears in a mirror. But a photograph can make you the way you actually are and not the way people see you. The photographic and mirror images would coincide only in the ideal case of a person with an absolutely symmetrical face. But that is rare indeed. Nature likes pure cold symmetry, but never begrudges a bit of variety. The essential thing here is that a double reflection always restores the original shape of an object, irrespective of whether there is symmetry or not. Something like two minuses make a plus and two pluses make a plus. In a double reflection in a mirror, the minuses of your face (asymmetry) do not distort the image. Wave functions possess the same peculiarities. These functions are ordinary mathematical functions, among which we frequently find sines and cosines. Draw them on paper and put them up to a mirror. The sine in the mirror is upside down. Which is nothing new; in school trigonometry we know the sine of a negative angle is equal to the sine of a positive angle with the sign reversed.”

Rydnik goes on to explain how this concept effects the smallest microscopic actions of protons and electrons, and how there is absolutely no way to define a concrete pattern that doesn't have its asymmetries, “flaws” and discrepancies in our universe. This translates to the fact that everything works in such complexity and with such ongoing changes and evolutions that there's no way to define it or label it with a pattern that will always work out on paper without a lot of out of the box experimentation. So in order to understand quantum physics, you've really got to be an abstract, and all encompassing thinker.

There have been people who took these ideas further, determined to bridge a gap between science and the unexplained; like psychic ability, for example. I've read the blog (a retired blog, I believe at this point) and have looked up the books written by Dean Radin, Chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (this was a non profit formed in 1973 by astronaut Edgar Mitchell). Radin's writings incorporate a touch of frustration at the fact that so many seem to be too determined to discredit anything that isn't scientifically explainable, but his stuff still is a good read.

One of the reasons I didn't take my biology degree any further and enter the field was because I had too much of an inclination to mix science and spirituality, which don't help any career advancement at all. I could never get away from little signs and hints here and there that would connect the dots for me, but ensure my appearance as a nut case to anyone in the field. One thing I always knew in my gut was that there was a very real way we all connected to one another, and that we could advance to the point of telepathic ease in some cases. It all had to do with quantum entanglement and the realization that our physical senses are limited and weren't giving us all the information they could. For instance, we measure space according to bodies we can detect inside that space. If there was no mass inside the space around us, we'd have no perception of how vast it was. And in this sense, I believe we can update our idea of space and realize communication over long distances isn't really long distance, and can happen very quickly as a result of this realization.

“Where to go from here?” as I sip my mojito and pull the extra heater closer to my body. It's cold outside. From here, anything's possible. I've come to understand that just because we can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. It's been proven in quantum physics that our eyes aren't able to see the most microscopic bodies of mass and energies in our space, but they are indeed there. They've been recorded. They've been probed by instruments, that further disintegrate the findings- because instruments and probing changes things, too. There is no perfect way of measuring or proving the things in this universe. Especially those things that are so small our limited senses can't detect them. And we all know the smallest things can still have a serious effect on us.

Recently, a very weak earthquake was detected in Tennessee. So something significant happened to the west of me; the way the water flows from my creek bed. I watched it in a daze one day as the rains flooded my living space and sent a torrent so strong it collapsed my bridge. Did you know water has a tremendous effect on whether or not an earthquake will be weak or strong? Mass quantities of water can weaken it and cause it to be less destructive. And again, water kind of causes the earthquake to happen in the first place. Which is confusing, but it's true in an oversimplified sort of way. Protons hop along water molecules, given the right conditions, causing an energy flow. That's why water is so conductive. And on a long term scale, dissolution of small amounts of water into minerals that crystallize from magma or recrystallize in deep, high temperature environments can eventually cause a break in tectonic plates in the earth. This is a very limited and quick description, but you can read up on better and more detailed logistics. It's interesting. (I love geology)

So the point here is that I had a feeling in my gut the day I saw the water break my bridge. Was this a “feeling in my gut”, or did I have some sense of unexplained understanding because I've been so physically and psychologically connected to nature for a year now? I've lived in the middle of it, without much distraction, and my body has learned to detect the smallest things happening around me. Did my brain and my senses somehow detect the slightest vibration that told me something was going to happen to the west of me? An earthquake? It occurred dead center of where I live and Nashville. That's around my sister's homes. It was so small that I'm sure no one even knew. But.. well, it's on my mind, anyway. And why is that? Why am I so focused on something so small that nobody else will notice or even care?

I suppose the point of this blog post is to push out the idea that we're way more connected to each other and our earth than we might think we are, and it might be time to pay more attention to this in regards to our welfare and future health. Society is moving a little off course around us, and I want to stay calm and focused on the right things. I want my future to be a pleasant one. I believe this can be, but I must pay attention in order to make it so. I only hope others can also see these small signs and prepare accordingly before it's too late. And on that note, I will have another drink and salute to you all!


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