Volume 2: Connecting To Life- Getting A Handle On Jealousy
Second part of what I started. Due to tech issues, it was easier to write than to try and make a video about this.
One of the biggest blows to our
connection with life and creativity is the participation in the
destruction of love. The most popular way of destroying love is
surrendering to jealousy.
I'm going to put out a radical idea. We
can control jealousy and in some situations, even kill it. I'm
willing to wager that most women are not as jealous of one another as
mainstream media implies we are, and not everybody who's living below
the poverty line hates wealthy people. I'm going to chance that we've
all been emotionally scammed; that this big hoax has caused some
terrible damage that can be fixed, despite its dismal outlook.
I've had a lot of practice fixing bad situations. I don't believe in
impossible. I've gone from hopeless to dignified in a day. Anyone
else can, too. Getting a handle on jealousy can be broken down into
steps, the first being to stop and take a listen to what you
believe you need. Remember my video I just uploaded about
connecting to the life force and healing? This is something I've had
to learn that has helped me to forge that link to life and spirit.
I'm human and imperfect. There was a time when I would let jealousy
kick me in the pants, too.
Jealousy, if left to its own and
allowed to grow out of control, will destroy anyone's self respect
and good nature. It's a natural emotion, and you should never be
ashamed of feeling it; yet, you can keep it from consuming you and
causing problems. Just stop giving it so much power. We do have
control over how much we allow an emotion to take over us. Jealousy
isn't really that big of a problem. The problem is the belief that
you- yourself, are inadequate in some big way that's going to cause
you to lose what you need. It stems from fear and a primitive need to
survive. So what do you need? Most of us need to feel some degree of
love, respect, and to believe we have some sort of friend base.
Loneliness is frightful. I'm not talking about personal time and
privacy. I'm talking about the fear that you're going to live the
rest of your life without any sort of companionship at all, and then
die alone somewhere in the middle of a big, abandoned house with a
thousand cats who'll come dine on your rotting bones. Sounds
ridiculous, huh? Well this is an example of how our minds like to
work when we start letting fear get the best of us. Our imaginations
go into overdrive and we start believing in the most foolish things
we can dream up.
This foolish dreaming applies to
jealousy in a big way. Classic example: Someone has a crush on
someone's significant other, and feels a knife slice through their
gut when they see a New Years picture of that couple kissing at the
stroke of midnight and in the middle of a crowd. How romantic. How
selfish. Why the F@*! do they do that!? Are they trying to hurt your
feelings? Are they rubbing it in for meanness? What horrible people
they have suddenly become! Hate.. hate.. hate.. like the drumbeat of
smoke coming from a steam engine...
This is what we do. We blow everything
out of proportion, allow jealousy to shoot us through the heart, and
impulsively decide we hate each other as a consequence. Because how
can we be happy for other people when we're not getting our own, most
basic and deepest needs met? When you're feeling that emptiness and
heartbreak, the last thing you want to see is someone prancing around
in front of you, showing off their life trophies with a dumb grin on
their face. Right? Logic aside here- we can't possibly think
pragmatically and with compassion when we're in emotional pain. And
side effect- it causes the person we're targeting to start acting
like a jackass, too. Cause and effect. A slow snowball of hate
rolling down the land. So let's work on that.
Jealousy is present when we feel we're
lacking. If you don't lack, you don't feel it as much. While it's
natural to feel some degree of it, as with any emotion, it's possible
to make that degree so small that it becomes hardly noticeable. The
trick comes in three steps: Check Your Heart, Shift focus, Engage
Love. Check, Shift, Love. You're driving this car.
Check Your Heart. What is the
real, underlying reason I feel this way right now? Be honest, and
don't fear the answer. This is where you really don't want to brush
off what's really bothering you. In order to fix something, you have
to understand the problem. No one's around. It's just you, so tell
yourself the truth. Once you have your answer, I'll bet it's not as
bad as your head was trying to make you believe it was. Speaking your
fear out loud has a way of taking away its power, so do it. Let's go
back to the New Years kiss example. Did you know if you decide to be
straight with the woman you're jealous of, find a way to really love
her, put an effort into being her friend (really be her friend- don't
pretend out of a manipulative agenda), and admit to her you have a
crush on her boyfriend, that crush starts to lose its intensity? Try
it. It actually works. Keeping impulsive crushes inside and avoiding
the people you're jealous of works against you, and builds up a
fantasy that has no merit. It makes your jealous feelings stronger,
and eventually, builds up an unhealthy obsession that puts you on a
long road of emotional pain. There's a way to be honest without
holding on to this kind of destructive hallucination. Just drop the
ego. Embrace reality. It's not as bad as previously imagined. We tend
to cling to fantasies we want, regardless of their degree of
absurdity. If you feel you honestly love this person you're crushing
on, you will be just as content to become friends with them and the
people they love. Over time and as you get to know them on a more
realistic level, you'll usually come to find the crush fades and
there's no desire to bed them anymore. This is one of the best tricks
to calming down a crush. Don't pretend it doesn't exist. That's just
as equally harmful, and it disrespects everyone involved. Just become
honest about it & challenge yourself with the notion that you can
allow yourself to feel it and relax about the whole thing. You don't
have to cross any dangerous boundaries. No one does. And when
everyone's aware, it changes the entire energy of the situation. The
tension goes away. Don't ever think people can't sense when there's
tension in the air.
I'm not a stranger to crushes. I get
about ten crushes a month. I'm a living, breathing woman. If one of
my crushes happens to have a partner, I usually end up loving their
partner just as much. Most often, in any healthy relationship, the
person's partner is an extension of themselves. That's an easy
realization. And that person becomes easy to love and hard to hate.
Just give them a chance.
And while my crushes might never
completely disappear, they sure do lose their edge. It's absolutely
possible to have healthy and deep friendships with people you have
crushes on. I do it all the time. I've attended barbecues in summer
with couples I've had mad crushes on, I've openly joked about it, and
everyone has had a good laugh. Crushes aren't the end of the world.
They don't have to retain a serious tone, either. So take that
intensity away. They're perfectly natural, and we all have the same
Once you know what's really going on
with you as opposed as some impulsive, topical crush, move on to
figuring out respectable ways of fixing it. Respectable, because no
matter what, you do not want to lose your self respect while
attending to this problem. That's counter productive, and any rewards
will be short lived. The step of checking your heart (and soul) is
the most important step here, because it is going to become the
entire center of your future. These things always run much deeper
than a crush or a sense of competitiveness. You might find you've
just been ignoring your need to pursue a dream put out of mind a long
time ago- simply because life got busy.
Shift Focus.
Once we understand exactly what ails us, it's time to get proactive
and put everything we've got into obtaining what it is we need. The
trick to this step is to not let yourself believe you need exactly
what this person you're jealous of has. For example, the girl he's
kissing. The boy she's kissing. Not that
one. Hopefully, we've been honest with ourselves and haven't allowed
that crush to paint rose colors on our lenses. Hopefully, we've come
to the understanding that it's simply been awhile since we hooked up
with someone on a holiday we were excited about being close to.
Hopefully, we're just missing a bit of fire- that might even come
from something completely different than a breathing person. And
hopefully, we've realized this jealousy came from a delusional fear
of being incapable of attracting that same thing into our own lives.
Once you start searching your heart, all sorts of epiphanies can
happen. In all honesty, jealousy usually doesn't have that much to do
with the particular people we're jealous of. It's a mind trick. Our
brains have a way of softening things up a bit and brushing off the
truth in order to make us feel better. Sometimes it's just easier
be jealous and refrain from focusing on our own truths.
on healing our own mind, body and soul at this point is vital.
There's nothing sexier than someone who's comfortable in their own
skin, someone who's found the things they enjoy, and someone sharing
their genuineness with the world around them. This is a true,
unaffected and open state of mind, and it's hot. It attracts. It
moves mountains. So stop focusing on a picture of someone else, or an
idea which may or may not be true, and focus on moving the mountain-
with your own beauty. And you do
have it.
you've found your soul again, it's time to Engage
When we're healthy and in a state of contentment, it's easier to
love. And by love, I don't mean seducing your neighbor. I mean
opening your heart to people around you- and especially
those who cause a slight pang of jealousy to rise in you. Get out of
the comfort zone and open the mind. We're all human, most of us have
the same basic fears and desires, and it's not that hard to find
compassion when we're in the mood to do so. At this point, a cool &
unexpected thing happens. You usually find out that person you were
jealous of is really nice to hang out with. Everything starts to feel
different. And the jealousy wilts away quicker than lettuce in the
oven. (That's all it was in the first place- a lone piece of lettuce
that can't hold its water in the heat.) Jealousy needs to stay cold.
Counter it with warmth, and it will die. Realize the power of making
an effort, communicating with some class, and being open and warm
with people. Anyone who's able to employ this kind of charm in their
lives has already won, and I'm not afraid to guarantee their futures
will be happier.
can make our minds a temple as well as our bodies, and that involves
just as much effort as exercising the muscles. Depression comes from
sedentary thinking. Mental laziness accounts for most of that
jealousy, simply because it's comfortable and we're used to feeling
it. It leads to anger and resentment and a lifetime of heartache.
Hatred and Anger isn't powerful, and it doesn't demand respect. It's
cowardly. It takes a brave soul to unravel this archaic idea and try
something else.
zones can be deadly. We all need a break once in awhile and we need
to feel comfortable. But don't ever let that replace getting out
there and doing something. I've seen so many people rot away into
nothing from mental and social lethargy.
my god, I just ate an entire, giant sized bag of m&ms.
thoughts, and a personal note from the bottom of my own heart:
promise, from the perspective of that woman who once dated a man who
drew women in like the pied piper, honesty is the best policy. My ex
was a charming, good looking, successful and generous young man. I
watched many women trip all over themselves in front of him. The only
time I had a problem with someone's crush on him was when she
pretended I didn't exist, or decided to be dishonest about it. I
respected and loved those who came to me and never hid anything.
Those who opted to become my friend. I appreciated it to a degree I
can't even explain. If anyone thinks it's lonely being without a
companion on New Years Eve, try being ostracized and avoided out of
hate and jealousy. Try feeling like no other woman trusts you to be a
decent human being, capable of handling the truth. It's a terrible
wish everyone a year full of love, new experiences, and new truths. I
wish everyone the courage to speak their minds and retain a degree of
class that melts the hearts of everyone around them.
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