Women and the Bad Side of Competitiveness
It's easy to associate men with
competitive natures, but there's a tendency to shy away from the fact
that women are even more so. We're supposed to be softer and
behaviorally submissive. To be anything else is usually considered
ugly or unattractive by long lived standards. We can actually be more
competitive with each other than men are with one another, and we do
tend to be. This translates, over time, in the tendency to avoid each
other instead of daring make eye contact or acknowledging each
other's strengths. We even stop appreciating one another's physical
beauty. In lieu of admiring one another, most of us will get
downright mean and withdraw our affection. While we are more
naturally inclined to hug, touch each other and show affection than
men in our communications, we've decided to refrain from doing so
with women we find physically attractive. Instead, we'll just avoid
eye contact and any closeness at all, which goes against what most of
us are wired to do as social creatures and as women. It's a
competitive tactic born out of fear. And it shows weakness.
Sometimes this transcends into the
belief that we have nothing in common with other women. We can even
make ourselves believe we hate or feel annoyance with women,
preferring the company of men only. I believe it's false and derived
from passing quick judgment and assuming based on stereotypes
(something we preach against, by the way). I believe it's a symptom
of “queen bee syndrome”, the desire to be the only one in the
room who deserves attention and respect. It's a female version of the
way egotistical college boys might goad and get condescending towards
another man while trying to drunkenly and aggressively win the
affections of a girl at a frat party. Yes, we do it, too. Just more
It has terrible consequences, and will
always result in pushing away some possibly incredible bonds and
relationships. It creates a serious social imbalance in life, and a
girl can end up missing out on some really good things. Don't we want
our lives to be as full and rich as possible? Love and honesty should
be stronger than fear, not weaker. Over time, we can even make
ourselves believe that any degree of physical contact is something
wrong and sexual instead of healthy and nurturing. We can become
downright terrified of one another, resulting in passive aggressive
behavior, manipulation, and jealousy. And those three things cause
intense depression. And what's worse? Remember how every higher power uses peoples' insecurities and fears to cause them to turn on one another in our society? It happened with slavery. It happened with the rich vs the poor. It happens every day with women. We are buying into the propaganda that's keeping us "controlled". We're helping the problem. Think about it.
Of course I'm not advocating that we
run up and get grabby with each other at social events and luncheons.
We've just gotten to a point where we're afraid of each other to a
dangerous degree. What happens when we're all too afraid to touch one
another on the shoulder and give a hug once in awhile? What happens
when we get too uncomfortable to look each other in the eye anymore?
Women have an incredible power behind their ability to nurture and
show compassion. It's strong. It's forgiving on a level that
sometimes defies logic. It's one of the most healing things on the
planet. To be deprived of that kind of unconditional love is to
experience a detached, empty sort of loneliness. And there is never a
good outcome to that kind of thing. We just drift away and apart,
wondering one day why we feel such a void in our lives.
I think a bit of a competitive nature
is healthy, but not when it comes to things like taking away the
chance for other women to receive attention and respect.
Competitiveness is better served when it comes to sports and job
markets and more honorable contests. Not breaking down a person's
self esteem and promoting more hate or backlash upon society.
It takes courage to be uncomfortable
enough to make an effort to love and respect another woman openly in
this day and age. You can't do it in any honesty with an unhealthy
agenda, or a secret need to take something away from her. And we, as
women, can always see that agenda a mile away. So I propose we all
try relaxing more in each other's presence, and giving each other
more of a chance instead of making fast judgments and practicing
avoidance. I propose we all work on our sense of fear regarding
emotional compassion and light physical affections. And I'm not talking about sexuality. I'm talking about a healthy ability to give
and receive things like hugs, handshakes, and to hold each other's
hands when we're about to fall down, both emotionally and physically.
Remember- women who look the most unapproachable sometimes have the
softest & most passionate hearts of the bunch, so let's give each
other a break. And not over the head.
-Christine Greyson
In other news, I've written another
article on maintaining a youthful face on another blog site. This is
for Patreons only, through my Patreon.com page online. You can sign
up to support what I share for only a dollar a month, giving you access
to anything I write on that blog. (Which is primarily about anti
aging and beauty tips and tricks, with a focus on maturity and those over forty.) Every woman, regardless of age, however, can benefit from these writings.
to read about what I do and join if you like it. It's a new thing
I've started, so there are only a couple posts at the moment. But as
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